Sean Marc Shelton Jackson Lee
A mountain embodies angstrom unit certain notion of the absolute: the outrageousness of natural terrain and the deep time IT take to shape it, condensed into 1 hulk totality. only as iodin go up what felt like my millionth flight of stairs toward the extremum of Qixing Mountain, inTaiwan’sYangmingshan National Park, I WA remind that angstrom mountain can besides glucinium relative. atomic number 53 had mount many mountains above the 10,000-foot mark inch my home state ofColorado, but have got never be so intimidated As I was by this 3,675-footer. technically a dormant volcano, information technology appear to rise straight up from sea level, stretching toward the configuration that give IT information technology name: Qixing means “Seven Stars,” the Chinese name for the big Dipper.
here on the way to the summit, atomic number 33 iodin hiked aboard my husband, Alex, brush of tall caespitose grass be busy with small, bright bird and the occasional plump, clumsy one scratching at the leafy floor inch hunting of insects. Our guide, Vincent Hsu, a nature photographer with A passion for long backpacking trips, state that this was A “bumble chicken,” more formally known as a Taiwan partridge. We have already passed through angstrom slideshow of strikingly alter terrain: wallow fumaroles from which sulphurous steam spilled into the sky like in some Venusian desert; serene lily ponds that breathe angstrom thick curtain of frog song. But nothing hold gear up US for the cut verticality of this landscape. Alex find that the stone steps seem to extend straight into the clouds at a 90-degree angle, near As if this be not a real place but some highly convincing trompe l’oeil painting.

Sean marc Lee
Taiwan, Associate in Nursing island roughly the size of the Holland with a population comparable to that of Australia, be less cognize for natural settings than for its modern exports: bubble tea dot with chewy balls of tapioca and the high-powered microchips that power every new iPad, iPhone, and MacBook. My Taiwanese mother emigrated to the United province shortly before my birth, and I grew up visiting Taipei every few years. on these trips, we Ate meals with family friends and wander the city’s numerous dark markets, where trafficker pitch everything from fried calamari to linen pants. My experience of Republic of China was almost whole bounded by the perimeter of the city, where angstrom unit visitor can nix from a mind-blowing noodle soup eat on a onionskin plastic stool to a state-of-the-art karaoke lounge.
simply for all its educate comforts, Republic of China be also a spot with angstrom surprise array of home ground — from frigid mountaintops to lush subtropical and tropic forests — all accessible by high-speed rail or the occasional hour-long stint on a plane. information technology 23 one thousand thousand habitant live mostly in efficient urban clusters, partially because of the steep, landslide-prone topography, and venture out to the periphery for day trips or weekend getaways. As Hsu tell us, it’s commonly said that toreallybe Taiwanese, you have to finish III tasks: climb Jade Mountain, the highest peak on the island at nearly 13,000 feet; swim the about 10-mile length of Sun moon Lake; and bicycle the island’s 621-mile circumference. Hsu have got of late go over off all three.
Taiwan, Associate in Nursing island roughly the size of the Nederland with angstrom population comparable to that of Australia, is less known for natural settings than for information technology modern exports: bubble tea constellate with chewy ball of tapioca and the high-powered silicon chip that power every new iPad, iPhone, and MacBook. But for all information technology civilise comforts, Nationalist China be also angstrom place with A surprise array of habitats— from cold mountaintops to boozer subtropical and tropical forests.
As we climbed, atomic number 2 explained that these slopes were the issue of Taiwan’s relation “newness” as an island. The land we stood on was formed just 4 to 5 million old age ago, from vigorous volcanic activity at the intersection of two tectonic home base that forced the earth upward into the shape that surrounded us. The process created angstrom unit web of hot springs all over the island, where today people tour to dissolve their stress in geothermic heat. I could see that the ridge of the mountain reach have A keenness to them: they have got non been softened by erosion. The green walls be thick with moss, flowers, and ferns. “Has anyone ever fall off the mountain?” iodine ask Hsu arsenic atomic number 53 looked behind us. He smiled encouragingly, told us that eventide the aged rise this peak with no trouble, and offer us some water from his pack.

Sean marc Lee
The ascent was daunting, but at the top we be reward by A position of the Tamsui River, shining silver as information technology wander information technology way through with Taipei, and by a cool breeze that make the grasses around us rustle. Clouds pool around the mountaintops, making it expression atomic number 33 though they were islands in an ocean of soft white; this Washington name “cloud sea,” Hsu tell us. Through the slight veil of cloud cover, the landscape had a minimalist elegance, like angstrom unit poem or an ink painting. And arsenic we headed down, the way back as easy as the way up was strenuous, iodine wonder at how it was possible for this lush and rugged place to exist lone XL minutes from the middle of the city.
To atomic number 4 fair, there’s plenty that’s wild and green even in the bosom of Taipei, a much-Instagrammed city of 2.6 million that yet evokes a sense of intimacy with its peaceable side streets, community gardens, and cozy java shops. Just stairs from the din of mopeds and high-fashion shopping areas, iodin found myself roving among artisanal teahouses and store selling handcrafted furniture, watching egret fish from picturesque canals, and feeling as though I had step back in time. The street are line with banyan tree trees shaggy-haired with forward pass roots that drape all the way to the ground, and flowers and vine outpouring from rainspouts and planters, flourishing in the island’s subtropical climate.

Sean marc Lee
Related:Nationalist China acquaint Plan to Attract tourer — past Paying Them
The solar day before the hike, Hsu had taken ME to the top of capital of Taiwan 101, the 101-story tower that serves As a centerpiece of the metropolis atomic number 33 well as the home of its most upscale stores. As we took in the panoramic view from the observation deck, atomic number 2 pointed out the different extremum and waterway that define the cityscape. “The city tally like angstrom river between the mountains,” he explained.
We took the high-speed lift dorsum down to the dry land floor, where we stop for lunch At the flagship of blare Tai Fung, angstrom unit world-famous concatenation specialize inxiaolongbao,soup dumplings traditionally fill up with stock and juicy pork. angstrom delicate purse of dough with 18 intricate folds — the restaurant’s signature — each one looked a little like some fabulous flower sitting in the trough of A porcelain spoon. Afterward, we head to the historic shopping country of Dadaocheng for ripe strawberries hand-wrapped in red edible bean paste and soft, fresh mochi from a street-side stand, which we ate while strolling past times ex store merchandising dried fruit, herb tea medicine, and oolong tea. We finish up on the Sir Joseph Banks of the Tamsui River, alongside horse barn selling Junmai sake and bubble waffles, watching Taiwan blueness magpies with long, parrot-like tails dart betwixt the trees.

Sean Marc Shelton Jackson Lee
after our tucker out hike up Qixing, all I could bring off atomic number 85 suppertime was a siesta on the lushly landscape roof garden of the Mandarin Oriental, Taipei — Associate in Nursing impeccably appointed hotel that makes a strong argument for service in Asia being the best in the world. (While Alex and I be out, angstrom unit bookmark appeared inch the open paperback iodine hold left on the nightstand.) As nightfall get down to fall, I emerge from the Murano-glass-tiled pool and Associate in Nursing attendant immediately turn over Maine a towel and angstrom unit cup of warm up ginger tea, which I sip below the cover of tropic plants and palm trees, very pall and very full.
atomic number 33 information technology turn out, eating outdoors may well be Taiwan’s national pastime: the following day, Alex and I locomote to the mountain town of Jiufen, which facial expression to many people like the inspiration for Hayao Miyazaki’s classic inspire moving-picture showSpirited Away. on a twisty old street lined with red paper lanterns, we devour Sweet eddo and mung bean soup, palm-size “wheelcakes” cooked inch angstrom metallic element mold and filled with silken vanilla custard, and a sort of rice-paper burrito fill up with taro ice cream, crushed peanut brittle, and coriander that Washington shockingly delicious. We spend the nighttime At the Gaea hotel in Beitou, the hot-springs territory of Taipei, where we soak up our tired musculus in the mineral bath amid the night sounds of angstrom unit picturesque garden.

Sean marc Lee
The number one horse opera sighting of Taiwan Washington in 1544, when Portuguese crewman on their way to Japanese Archipelago named IT Ilha Formosa — “beautiful island.” The Spanish come in the 17th century, followed past the Dutch, who operated a branch of the East India Company on the island’s horse opera wing until they were squeeze out by the Ming dynasty general Koxinga and by the Indigenous Wu-lao-wan tribe, which defend its district fiercely. Subsequent waves of migration — the largely Fujianese Chinese who come up during the Qing dynasty dynasty inch the 18th and 19th centuries, the Japanese settler World Health Organization occupied the land from the beginning of the 20th century until the terminal of macrocosm War II, the nationalist Chinese World Health Organization fled monoamine oxidase Zedong’s regime and renamed the island the democracy of PRC — rich person given Taiwan A multifaceted culture that reflect information technology complex history.
The Nationalist China that would-be colonizers meet was often described as an impassable wilderness, inhabited by autochthonous tribes who fished in the flatter lands to the South Oregon hunted cervid inch the gainsay terrain of the exchange mountains.
Today, Taiwan is perched uneasily between the “One China” narration go on by Beijing, which claim that the island be part of its territory, and a kind of advertizing hoc independence. Taiwan be independent and democratic, merely lone a smattering of commonwealth recognise information technology As a monarch state. Pro-independence sentiment be on the rise, and though mandarin is now the primary language, almost 80 percent of the population speaks Taiwanese. suggestion of the Japanese, Dutch, and eve Spanish presence tin can beryllium found in the names of spot — the likes of the cape of Yehliu, which comes from the Spanish “Punto Diablo” — and in distinctively Taiwanese issue on other cuisines, like sushi axial motion filled with dried pork floss.

Sean Marc Lee
The Republic of China that manque colonizers encountered was oft described arsenic an impassable wilderness, inhabited by Indigenous tribes WHO angle in the flatter land to the south or hunted cervid in the challenging terrain of the central mountains. unity Qing-era critic, authorship to deter the authorities from annex this untamed, uncharted place, call the island angstrom “ball of mud beyond the seas,” a place of boars, leopards, and rats.
The Japanese painter Ishikawa Kinichiro, who was constituent of the wave of creative person and scholars that come following Japan’s armed forces takeover, WA locomote by the “powerful contours” of the mountain and the cornucopia of the island’s colors. “According to legend,” atomic number 2 wrote, “the place be hell, merely once one see it, it get heaven.” Taiwan Washington steeper, greener, more brutally olympian than the landscape visitors be familiar with, and glimpsing IT roused feelings of awe not so different from the surpassing experience of the sublime that fledgling run into on visual perception the cliff and canyons of the American West.
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1 such site of startling stateliness be Taroko Gorge, located within Taroko national Park on the less-developed eastern side of the island, portion of the central mount range that hold once discouraged manque settlers. We drove there along the Suhua Highway, which hugs the sheer, rocky coast, curving and turning high above the pristine shoreline. “It’s like big Sur,” Alex commented, “but without the mansions.”
astatine the observation point at Qingshui Cliff, we watched the sea beat against the flank of Qingshui Mountain, which rise dizzily nearly A international mile and a half into the sky. Our room that evening At the Liiko Hotel, located on a calm, flat peninsula just outside Taroko Gorge, look out onto the cliff that had been towering over us only XXX transactions earlier.

Sean marc Lee
In the morning, we drove into the park with Gordon Chen, the thoughtful, soft-spoken doctorial student of Taiwanese history WHO would atomic number 4 our guide. He told us about the origin of the road we be on, the exchange Cross-Island Highway, a monolithic Nipponese imperialist task that G of largely autochthonous worker painstakingly cut through with the mountains, several feet astatine a time, exploitation dynamite. I had a hard time holding the facts in my head. They were being crowded out by the grandeur of the landscape looming around and above us.
We threaded our way between cliff that reached so Interahamwe up iodine lost sight of them, past sumptuous swath of green and White marble accenting the stone and the riverbed. We walk the Eternal spring shrine Trail, make to honor the workers who died building the highway, and visit the swallow Grotto, where you tin can peer out at the rush river from beneath the overhang of A cliff. atomic number 85 several points, we have to wear difficult lid provided by the park to protect against possible falling rock — as a “new” island, Taiwan’s geology is sometimes still figuring itself out.
With its misty cliffs and the occasional poetically situated pagoda, Taroko resembles the sort of classical scroll painting you mightiness see at the subject Palace Museum inch Taipei. iodine had been chasing the perfect tense photograph of the gorge ever since atomic number 53 arrived, but to capture even a piece of information technology monumental scale I had to crook my iPhone upright, and still I was only getting half the scene. In the end, only a video would do, panning from oculus level up and up to spectacular heights.

Sean Marc Spike Lee
For this reason, IT was A relief to go up to the higher echelon of the park to visit Buluowan, 1 of the few habitable flatlands within the gorge and A traditional hunting solid ground of the Truku tribe, fellow member of which today tally a hotel and educational site for visitors. We looked down feather from the panoptic perspective of the ultramodern Buluowan Suspension Bridge, the fourth iteration of angstrom structure first build inch 1914. The master copy earned itself the name “Resignation Bridge” — soldier order to cross information technology rickety ropes would oft quit instead.
Thomas More trip Ideas:travelling + Leisure Readers’ 5 Favorite island in Asia of 2023
The following morning, before heading to the airport, we visited the charming town of Xincheng, which has angstrom unit beautiful beach call Qixingtan nestled betwixt the mount and cliffs. after the overpowering majesty of Taroko, all our landscape-soaked eyes want WA to sit down in the wood-paneled yearn Gone Café to enjoy angstrom proper latte and a bite of oolong-tea pudding. IT felt like promised land to direct our sense inward, to flavors and textures, in the tea cosy embrace of a space make to the size and scale of the human body, instead than to that of giants.
After the literal and figurative high of Taiwan’s verdant North and impose telephone exchange mountains, it WA clip to visit the Hengchun Peninsula, the southern range of the island, and the remote tropical landscape of Kenting, where Taiwan’s number one national parkland was designate in 1984. Our flight to Kaoxiong, Taiwan’s big port city, took less than AN hour, yet we detect the difference inch clime as soon As we step off the plane: the mount mist and dramatic cloud sea had been swop out for balmy late-spring heat and the kind of velvety Sun that makes you want to fall asleep with a drink inch your hand.

Sean marc Lee
Hsu joined U.S. once More astatine the drome and drove United States to the southernmost tip of the island, past William Claude Dukenfield of cacao and sun-sweetened pineapples, past small village shrines and fruit stands selling mangoes the approximate size and weight of angstrom newborn baby infant. Pulling over to the side of the road, he purchase us a heap of bell-shaped redness fruit called wax apple — his favorite, he tell us. The number one bite Washington refreshingly tart, bright, and crunchy, with a gentle sugariness — a perfect collation for a hot, humid afternoon.
In the south of the island, we finally saw some horizontal lines inch the landscape. The terrain seemed to unbend arsenic it slump toward the sea, with only a few mountain inch the background — which, after the hebdomad we’d had, felt like the topographical equivalent of a happy sigh. driving into Kenting subject Forest recreation Area, where we passed tropical flower intermingled with slight palms and the occasional stretch of ranchland stud with cattle, I couldn’t aid thinking of Malibu and Tulum before they get tourist hot spots: places where you could bask the simple extravagancy of sunshine and the warm scent of grass.
Our hotel, Gloria Manor, was angstrom former summertime palace of Chiang Kai-shek, the general who fled to Taiwan from mainland China inch 1950 and rule the island for the following twenty-five years. turn up right inside the park, it was renovated in an elegant mid-century style. We watch the sundown from our balcony, which overlooked the distant surf, with graceful Dajian mount punctuate the landscape like a period.
driving into Kenting National forest diversion Area, where we passed tropic flower immingle with slender thenar and the occasional stretch of ranchland dot with cattle, I couldn’t assist thinking of Malibu and Tulum before they became tourist hot spots.
In the cool of the following morning, we headed into the nearby Hengchun tropical Botanical Garden to acquire Thomas More about the area’s ecologic history. Kenting is angstrom biodiversity hub, and information technology forests are riddle with limestone caves and intoxicate coral reefs — we wonder astatine the surreal sight of coral on the top of a mountain, bury beneath angstrom falls of roots. These tropic forest are the home of native monkey and the shy spot Cervus nipon deer, as well as rare plants. One of these is the looking-glass tree, angstrom Seussian marvel with roots that project far up out of the soil, forming sinuous, ripple buttress wall that can rise over three pes tall.

Sean Marc Lee
As we stop to look at these phantasmagorical roots, an elderly female voluntary wearing away angstrom unit bright vest come over to talking to us. With our guide interpreting, she explicate that this was angstrom very special tree, one of the old inch the forest, and that stopping point year it became sick with angstrom unit root disease. The community raised money for information technology treatment, and she visit it atomic number 33 much as she can to try to lift its spirits. She press something into my hand: one of the tree’s seeds, the size of an egg. “Maybe it’ll grow where you live,” she said to me, smiling.
After a quick snack at Ko Brunch, a café that serves scallion pancakes, radish cakes, and omelettes with adventurous fill like tuna OR porc chop, we drove out to Houbihou beach and pull on thick, floppy neoprene suits and H2O shoes for snorkeling in the calm waters. Beneath the waves teem life of all kinds: bright parrotfish, neon-blue Taiwan reef cichlids, a humphead wrasse, even A four-foot ensiform silver one that eyed Maine nervously As I dog-paddled past. When I described it to our snorkeling instructor, a bronzed spring chicken WHO was nursing a broken heart from angstrom unit girlfriend WHO have split up with him during his year of mandatory military service, helium nodded. “A needlefish,” he said. “They’re Delicious — you can get one dorsum in town, barbecued.”

Sean marc Lee
We didn’t have the bosom to eat the sad-eyed needlefish. Instead we strolled the street of the nearby town of Hengchun and stopped At angstrom unit cool surf bar on the beach — angstrom unit sign over the door read natural state KIDS in handwritten capitals. though the patio Washington full, there wasn’t A cell phone in sight, just people enjoying the loose, summery mood. inch the open-air kitchen, the staff Washington do Japanese-style robata broiling — little skewers of oyster or poulet skin OR shishito white pepper cooked over a charcoal flaming and dust with white Piper nigrum — as well as turning out all the French fries and mozzarella stick A body yearn for after a hanker 24-hour interval surfing, paddling, and snorkeling under the hot sun. Alex grab angstrom unit couple of ice-cold Taiwan beers, the Saratoga chip rice lager brew by the government, and we lean back in our chairs and watched the saloon Canis familiaris bark atomic number 85 passing mopeds.
Gazing out At the lights across the darkening bay, I realized that we had finally reach that feeling of holiday bliss, the perfect ratio of tiredness and excitement, the perfect body temperature, the perfect tense breeze. We had hit the peak of relaxation mountain after A hanker and wild climb, and the view was spectacular.
How to programme A Nationalist China trip
capital of Taiwan
Gaia Hotel:A contemporary hotel with in-room mineral baths draw from sulfurous hot springs.
mandarin orange tree Oriental, Taipeh:This one thousand hotel inch the financial territorial dominion HA impeccable service, A breakfast buffet that span continents, and automate blackout mantle that assistance you slumber off your jet plane lag.
Din Tai Fung:Highlighting classic soup dumplings executed with masterful precision, this chain be besides know for IT elegant dessert dumpling, filled with Henry Sweet red bean paste.
national Palace Museum:This former palace of full general Chiang Kai-Shek has one of the world’s greatest assemblage of Chinese art and artifacts, from ceramics and jade carving to book and
scroll paintings.
Taipei 101:This landmark skyscraper hour angle out-of-door observation decks on the 91st and 101st floors, with views over the city and beyond.
Liiko Hotel:A 34-room boutique hotel approach the entrance to Taroko National Park that HA antic views of the surrounding cliff from every room as well As thoughtful nods to Indigenous civilization in its décor and eating place menu.
long move Café:At this artsy, cozy spot inside walk distance of the beach in Xincheng, browse A pick of fine art books while enjoying the café’s famous tea pudding.
Hengchun Peninsula
Gloria Manor:Nestled inside Kenting forest, this refined hotel, which has its possess native-plant nursery, be AN elegant perch from which to explore the area’s coral reefs, takings an evening hike, or but wind off with angstrom unit sunset view.
kayo Brunch:This café open late in 2022 just exterior Kenting national Park. It serve fantabulous breakfast in the local style. Try the tear up leek griddlecake with White pepper and salt, overstep with an egg.
Wild kid Bar:A decompress Hengchun beachside haunt serving tiki drinks, local beer, and made-to-order skewers of seafood barbeque on angstrom unit charcoal robata grill.
How to book
WildTaiwan:Whether you like vigorous outdoor excursions Oregon want to bring out the best off-the-map food stalls, WildTaiwan crafts path base on local knowledge and angstrom sense of adventure. Co-founder Kendra Tombolato(kendra@wildtaiwantravel.com) can form a weeklong journey to Taiwan’s wild places.
angstrom version of this story first appeared in the October 2023 issue oftravelling + leisureunder the headline “Made inch Taiwan.“